We are the best candidates because..

Our initial "travel themes" ranged from 1) Spreading the word of global peace 2) Abolish social inequalities 3) Natural beauty 4) Makeing this planet a better place to live-in, lower carbon emissions and plant trees, etc, etc... However, our final theme is something very different. PLEASE DO KEEP CHECKING OUR PROFILE for something special that is going to come your way. Lets us assure you - this will be something that we are passionate about and will ensure fun for one and all! Yes, the Great Driving Challenge, helps us marry our passion for driving and that for travel to great places. We are the best candidates for this because we are extremely passionate about what Great Driving Challenge is all about - not just driving, but travel, blogging and clicking great photos as well. Please see our credentials in our past travel experiences section. In addition, we are frequent bloggers and are passionate about photography. All-in-all, we are not just the best candidates with required "skills and experience", but we will also ensure that all fans of GreatDrivingChallenge have fun reading our blog posts and updates. In short, Entertainment Guaranteed!