We are the best candidates because..
Having traveled to 5 of the 6 continents and driven in 3 (hitting 100 miles an hour and NOT getting caught was fun!), having got lost but not lost our nerves and wits, having lived in tents and under the open sky, having befriended locals and broken bread with them, having hit a police car and joked with the police, having skid in the snow and tumbled the car, having taken thousands of pics (posted 2000+ on Flickr), I think we have it in us to win this and some more! Travel and adventure runs in our blood, we love to be behind the wheel, have loads of driving experience (each one of us have 25,000+ as driver credits and still counting; in addition, Raffi has covered 30,000 Kms on his bike!), are pretty fit (Raffi can change the wheel in 8 minutes!), enjoy sharing our experiences with prose and pictures, and bring a smile to the faces of people we meet on our journeys. Also, Raffi is a veteran blogger and writes his thoughts and experiences in four blogspots. Aren’t we the BEST!