We are the best candidates because..

We share a passion for traveling although haven’t really had a chance to go driving over a long distance; we have done a fair bit of driving to places around Bangalore & Pune including driving to Bangalore from Pune. We would be the best candidates because we: · Love Traveling · Have a Passion for Exploring · Have a fascination for Cars & Bikes · Thoroughly enjoy the beauty of Nature We both have captured Nature in all its glory on film and have absolute confidence that we will be able to share our experience with everyone by way of photographs, videos & blogs. We will be able to share our journey with you in an intense yet subtle, brief (where required) yet complete, elaborate yet engaging way. In terms of the journey as such, I am the Driver, Mechanic, Blogger, Bodyguard J J J and Mou is the Photographer, Navigator, Planner, Financial Advisor, and Radio (Hehehe hope she doesn’t kill me for this J). The Great Driving Challenge gives us an opportunity to do something that we’ve always wanted to do but have been unable to due to various constraints. How we wish we are among the final three! P.S: This would be an AWESOME :) birthday gift for me!!! All the signs point to us being among the final 3! I turn 30 on the 30th and being 1 among 3 going on a 3000 kilometer trip!!! All those 3’s GOT to be lucky for me! What say?????