Our Travelogue

Being son of an Army personnel, i have travelled to lot many places , Udhampur in the North , Bhutan in the East, Baroda in the West, Chennai in the South, Delhi/Bhopal in the centre of India and many other places. Thats where i guess i got this "thing for travelling". I have been to many places around pune. I am an active member of "Roadshakers" , a bulleter group in Pune. When i bought my bullet, the first longest ride i did was a Solo ride to Jaipur from Pune. It took me 3 days to complete around 1400+kms, but the fun part was the shock my parents got ( not to mention the beating i got afterwards). I have been to Leh in July(2008). The route was Pune - Jaipur - Delhi - Leh - Delhi. It was the ride of my Life. Riding on all the various combinations of roads one can imagine, well it was worth every moment of time and amount of money spent. One particular stretch of the route i remember is from Kaaza to Kalpa. It was around 80kms of no roads ( actually just stones put on the surface, no tarmac or broken tarmac). Man that was something that you will never get an experience anywhere. Neha on the side has spent most of her time in Jaipur, but have spent her vacations in various parts of India and abroad. She has explored various parts of Rajasthan, Madhya pradesh. Me and neha have been together to Harihareshwar. It was her first ride and that too a good 5-6 hours sitting on a bike. But she never complained of any pain or posture, or the hot weather. One thing we both practice and follow is Protection. Ride where ever you want to, but ride safe and make sure that we wear proper protective gears like Helmets/jackets/Gloves and boots. Riding on a totally different terrain has definately made me a cautious and safe rider.