Our Travel Plan

Our tastebuds as much as the GPS will help us navigate the route because we intend to find and sample the finest biryani, be it in restaurants or wayside dhabas. ' WE SWERVE, REROUTE & DETOUR FOR BIRYANI' will be the motto of this trip. All of which the Cedia Sport should be able to handle gracefully. We'd appreciate names, addresses, directions to help us in our quest for the best biryani. Leave us a note in the testimonials section. The plan initially was to travel due north from Bangalore and hopefully, reach Leh. The motto stays the same but the new route will start and end in Mumbai. Check the map for details. It's going to be twelve days of taking life as it comes and enjoying the changing landscape as much as the biryani. Most of the route we've chosen is unknown territory, parts of which have been on our wish list for a while now, such as the Gol Gumbaz in Bijapur, the Bombay-Pune expressway, the Ellora caves near Aurangabad, and the recently opened Bandra-Worli sealink.