Our Introduction

Both I and Supreet are keen nature enthusiast Cancerians indigenous to the City Beautiful, Chandigarh. Christened as ‘Wanderers’ by friends, we are passionate travellers willing to explore every brook and brick, valley and hill, culture and cuisine, language and costume with an equally keen eye for photography. Between both of us, we have travelled extensively in over 20 countries. However, this is where the similarities end. I am a compulsive carnivore and she’s strict vegetarian. I drink like a fish and she’s a teetotaler. I listen to country folk and she swoons over world music. I am subtle as a brick whilst she’s relatively tactful. I believe in 80/20 rule whilst she’s a completer finisher. Given both the souls are highly sensitive and run on short fuse, sparks are guaranteed! Just for the record, professionally I am a Business Analyst in the off-shore office of an American Company and Supreet heads the StoneArt division of an organically growing company specializing in two natural materials; wood and stone. What has brought us together is CATS, established by Supreet 2 years ago (www.chandigarhadventures.blogspot.com). CATS is a group of environment friendly nature buffs promoting fun-filled exploration of nature by indulging in adventure sports and outdoor activities every fortnight. An active coordinator of the CATS, I have also assisted its’ blood donation drive encouraging everyone to donate blood quarterly. Additionally, CATS also sponsor, support and mentor the education of deserving children, till they reach the level of competence to support themselves independently and responsibly.