Our Travel Plan

is to explore paths we have not treaded before, taste cuisines unfamiliar to us, breathe in air which brings in whiff of a culture new to us, converse in dialects not familiar to us, walk on the soil we have not treaded before, wet our feet in the waters we have not bathed in till now, try a dress we have to learn how to wear, kiss a peak we have not hiked before, dance to the beats new to our ears. Where else could we do this than in our own Motherland, a vast country united by its sheer disparity. As Mark Tully said, ‘the only thing common between a North Indian and a South Indian is his passport’, we endeavour to read through every line scripted on each page of that passport. Under Mission South West, We are looking forward to driving from the financial capital Mumbai, towards the coastline heading south meandering through various towns of our beautiful country; stopping by some caves, an odd fort and a Palace, some temples, few beaches and waterfalls, historic monuments to enjoying some night life and then back to Mumbai. Click on this link to pursue our plan in detail Click on this link to see the route map