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Gaurav Bansal & Sonia

Total Vote(s) : 1 | Total Testimonial(s) : 1

Me and my partner Sonia Bansal. We both are from delhi and are happily married in the Year-05, Nov-28. We're even blessed with a very cute daughter- Himakshi (1.6 Years). We both loved her from the bottom of our hearts. She is our life. I worked as Manager sales in a Mobile VAS company while Sonia takes care of our Daughter at Home. We both would want to explore this opportunity as due to some reasons we both will have a tough time till now, hence we'll not get that much of sufficient time where we can actually spend a good , quality and adventurous time together. She is always busy with Himakshi and me as usual with my work. Wish both of us all the very best to get this opportunity and show the world. Thanks With lOve, Gaurav & Sonia

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We are the best candidates because...

We are the best because we never failed in our life and are damm sure that we'll get this opportunity and definitely WIN. That's our attitude.


Our Travel Plan

We would always like to explore the untouched beauty of Himalyas like Rishikesh, Mori, Rajgarh, Mashobra, etc. We would like to take the most difficlut route whichever possible.


Our Travelogue

We only travel with our family members almost all the known places, but thats not really the adventure what we're looking for !!



People who voted for us

Thomas / Shilpy

1st July 2009




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