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Total Vote(s) : 6 | Total Testimonial(s) : 0

My name is Gurcharan and my better half, Silindar who's 'charan' I had to literally massage and fall on to accompany me on this trip. My wife's a Professor. As much as she hates the sight of a half-filled class of students, I'm sure they'll be happy to not have their Professor in class. It's been a while since the two of us did something of this sort. Earlier, on my Yamaha RD-350 we rode for miles every quarter! (That is before we had our 6 ear old angel child (as others call him, but devil from my I chat out Geospatial and CAD Engineering drawings..and althought most of my day goes into outlining maps and contours..somehow gazing at those very work hours are spent reminiscing my 'jawaani' days of adventure, fun and frolic.

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We are the best candidates because...

We've visited more cities and villages on my Yamaha RD-350,for years together than most contenders. Throw in a roadway and we'll be more than satisfied to cover every inch of it. Hungry for miles! (Surprises included)


Our Travel Plan

This time we would like to plan the great Driving challenge from Mumbai – Nagpur – Kanha - Bandhavgarh – Khajuraho and finish back in Mumbai this entire trip would be full of excitement including wildlife and tier 2 cities


Our Travelogue

Traveled most part of India, not to mention Maharashtra always been a local drive for us.... let be Ahmadnagar, Mahabaleshwar Lonavala, Goa Sholapur and going to Bidar was too good. I still remember a trip to Chandigarh and Mohali, planned to open a Dabba which never did materialize:) Being together seeing a Niagra falls, StLouis Arch, visiting a Ford factory in Detroit along with friends....A lot more memories and the kind of new experiences we got cannot be described just in few words... There are still lot of memories which cannot be expressed in words...



People who voted for us

shailesh vengurlekar

17th July 2009


17th July 2009

kritika thadani

17th July 2009

Gurpreet Mahal

17th July 2009


17th July 2009


16th July 2009



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