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Jayita Mandal & Chiradip Mandal

Total Vote(s) : 30 | Total Testimonial(s) : 2

We are Chiradip and Jayita. We both met at our job and planned to get married. Since our marriage we had led a bohemian lifestyle and there was no end to our journey from one place to another. We share similar interests like travelling, music and photography. A new dynamism is bought to our life by the birth of our sweet and loving son named Aaron; another travel lover in the make who hates home stay. True to our passion - we use gears like a fast car, an SLR with variety of lenses, a 4-seat boat, hunting torch, head lamp, tent, barbeque, sleeping bags, travel books, maps and other camping gears. We are also food lovers and big fan of european dishes - especially barbeque fanatic. We have done enough visits to dumb and crowded monuments, beaches and other hotspots and honestly do not like these very much compared to the beauty, charm and proximity to the nature in wildlife tours and on the long highway that gives a feeling of endless journey - we always feel "life is a journey" and "The journey is the reward"; destination does not matter much. In this view we will take off aiming to meet people who are close to the nature or close to the reality, far from urban poison. We are planning to do a sort of travel-people-wildlife journalism on the way, in the form of still, movie and write ups - may be a short documentary film too. If we really make this driving we will dedicate this to a discrimination free world - a dream future.

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We are the best candidates because...

We are environment lovers and have always been moving round to meet people with lots of diversification, flora and fauna gifted to us and capture and cherish them as golden moments in our camera. We love people, we love nature and we love photography. This combination alongside pro like photography makes us at the top - I guess ;) Moreover we will possibly have the most enthusiastic adventurer on board - our 3.5 years old son, Aaron along with his own travel gears.


Our Travel Plan

MOTIVE: Click and diary on the everyday experiences and events of meeting people,nature and wildlife. END PRODUCT: Stunning photographs, write ups and some beautiful memories to cherish. May be a short documentary film consisting of stills and movies reflecting lives we touch while on the tour. THE PLAN: We will zoom from Mumbai to Nagpur via Pune touching Ahmadnagar in between which is 912 kms. Nagpur to Jabalpur touching Pench and Kanha national park -273 kms. From Jabalpur reaching Bandhavgarh and Panna national park. From there to Madhav and Ranthambore national park. From Ranthambore to Indore and from Indore to Mumbai (587 kms.) in between halting for Yawal wildlife sanctuary. Even though it is off season for wildlife sanctuaries and parks we are taking this route to explore other side of wildlife, one of the many habitat - i.e. the people surrounding the wildlife. This is probably very unique opportunity to explore this side of wildlife that is otherwise not possible at the peak time of the year due to the gorgeous appeal of the subject ;) Moreover, whatever route we take we are sure to meet exciting people and know about their living on the way and all the way. Of course we cannot miss out the thick rich verdant vegetation surrounding these sanctuaries and never know we maybe in luck to adventure with the wild.

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Our Travelogue

It was in 2004, when we went to London, U.K. for work. We preferred to stay away from the normal hustle and bustle of the busy streets in London and chose to stay at Newbury, Zone 4. Whenever we had time, we used to race to visit the countryside during weekends. One of the memorable trips we had was in Southend-on-sea, Essex. Southend-on-Sea has seven miles of sparkling seafront from Shoeburyness to Leigh-on-Sea. Along this unique stretch of coastline there are six very special beaches. One of them, the Jubilee Beach known for its high tide was our attraction for the day. From Southend Central railway station it is just 10 mins walk away. It was a 1 day trip to get few photographs of the coastline adjoining the beach, some interesting water sports and people reflecting various moods using our macro and tele lenses. At day end we were happy to carry back more than we expected. We have fed this trip's photographs to the flickr. Back in India, we have been moving from Kolkata to Noida to Mumbai to Bangalore as and when it is required. We are enjoying every moment of our stay in these cities and utilise the weekends for trip to reach to the nature; from mountains to sea and equally to wildlife. Mumbai reminds us of some very pleasant tours. One of them being the historical trip to Murud-Janjira via Alibaug and Kashid. Murud was the last outpost of the Siddis of Janjira, fierce warriors who hailed from Abyssinia in far-away Africa. The remains of their rule consists of the Padmadurg sea Fort built by Sambhaji, heir to Shivaji. The place has to be visited through sailboat from the jetty like the famous old Janjira Fort built by Siddi Johar. Many times this 20 feet strong foundation was attacked by the British, the Portuguese, Shivaji, Sambhaji , Kanhoji Angre but the fort never fell. We had seen Kalarbangdi, Gaimukh and Chavdi, the fort's biggest cannons and Bala Killa, the central point of Janjira Fort. Pictures of the Janjira Fort, the big cannons and its surroundings are uploaded at flickr. Another unplanned yet a very memorable trip was to Koyna at Koyna Nagar, nestled in the Western Ghats on the state highway between Chiplun and Karad, Maharashtra. It is 3200 feet above sea level spread in the heart of the Sahyadri mountain range, the Koyna Dam and it's wildlife. The 800 km. driveway to Koyna Nagar was so picturesque that we had stopped many a times to take pictures here and there, especially the beautiful olive green Koyna river flowing adjacent the road to Koyna Nagar. We were in luck to get a person from the local village who was our guide and his two dogs to trek through the dense forest and hills. Categorised as 'Exploratory' in our trekking nomenclature, the journey included climbing, hiking through thick tropical evergreen and mixed deciduous forests and seeking for wildlife adventure. We travelled for almost 11000 feet above sea level and got introduced to plentiful herbs, shrubs and trees which has medicinal value. We spotted langurs, sloth bear caves and footprints of big cats. Day 2 we visited the Shivajisagar Lake, the artificial backwaters formed by the Koyna Dam to have a glimpse of the slopes of the Western Ghats and diverse variety of vegetation in the wildlife sanctuary. We left Koyna Nagar with awesome memories and photographs by late afternoon to reach home early to get set for our next day office. A one-day trip to a historical place named Sinhgad is located 25 kilometers South of Pune perched on a steep hill. There was this fierce battle fought by Shivaji's General Tanaji Malasure who died during the battle, to win the fort for Shivaji. It is said that when Shivaji learned that his general had been killed in the battle he mourned, " We have gained the fort but lost the lion" and it is thus that the fort got its name. There is a monument and a memorial of the slain leader. We learnt all this from a local old man, traditionally dressed running a tea stall. We enjoyed the conversation with him and left the place with our bags packed with that man's photograph and of Sinhgad. In between these years, Chiradip had travelled to Europe and U.S.A for work and I had the privilege to count on the spectacular pictures he had gathered on his trip. Chiradip talks of many people he met. French, German, American learnt their culture, language and developed special interest in their food. Again, here in Bangalore; last year's trip to Bandipur was a well planned trip to cover wildlife photography. The time, weather, season everything was ideal for us to meet the fauna. Elephants on road, wild boar and spotted deers was in our close vicinity. A trek on the jeep through the dense forest gave us exposure to peacocks, strong and healthy bisons, again team of elephants, sambars, spotted deers exhibiting their huge antlers was such great fun. We took back very good wildlife photographs which are again available in flickr. This years trip was to Madikeri, Coorg. It is the capital of the Kodavas and is at the heart of Kodagu District. The place is known for undulating topology carpeted in every shade of green. Bamboo, sandalwood, rosewood forests, waterfalls, coffee bushes, pepper, cardamom, nutmeg ...a land fecund beyond belief. This was a trip for more of relaxation than exploring. We touched Kushalnagar to take a view of the Namdroling Monastery at Bylakuppe. We visited one of the 4 picturesque monastery named Kagyu or Kagyudpa. Inside we found the 40-ft high statues of Padmasambhava, Buddha and Amitayus. On the way to Coorg we had viewing pleasure of many known and unknown dense trees, Weather was very pleasant. We dropped in at hotel Capitol Village, spread across 25 acres resort in the midst of coffee plantation. We had the pleasure of viewing Coorg from a place named Rajaseat., the Abbey Falls. During rainy season water from the fall splashes on the nearby visitors. There are many photographs of Madikeri populated in orkut. We have a thought to travel again on September. It is in the planning stage. I feel our passion and interest to travel will continue till we reach the end of our lives. Will never know... I may use my experience to build up a second career in travel journalism ;)



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You are one of the most adventurous family I ever met. Go for it. My best wishes.


Waiting to see you'll geared up for the trip. Good luck.

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