The Jury is pouring over several hundred applications that have made it to their dashboard (online), using a combination of the several cut-off-filters used (% completion, count of votes, testimonials etc). One of the things they are assessing is your “power to pitch”. Should you be selected as one of the TOP 3 contestants, your ability to communicate and pitch your story, will be a key factor in carrying your supporters with you all the way to the end. The quality of your pitch is very important. Some people have the magical ability of saying it all in a few words, while others make a compelling statementl over 1-2 paragraphs. So the “length” of your pitch is certainly not a factor. This is the one section where you got a chance to talk to the Jury direct (in addition to your introduction of course) - this is where they sense the sincerity of your purpose, determine your approach and style, and factor in the maturity of your content. They grade your pitch power at 5 levels from ‘poor’ to ‘outstanding’. Pitch power along with votes, makes up two (2) of the NINE factors that judges are looking at before deciding to shortlist a candidate. More coming up soon. Hi Sandip, This wait is becoming unbearable!
Posted by Narayan Mallapur on 07/19 at 10:45 AM
Wow, This is getting very interesting and from the updates we are getting it looks like it’s REAL HARD WORK to judge the and select the BEST contestants with all FAIRNESS - Hats of to you guys for this meticulous and painstaking attention to detail. RajuandShilpa
Posted by V S Raju on 07/19 at 11:22 AM
Thats a fair judgement process. As many were thinking its only votes that will matter. Paavani & Ashish
Posted by Paavani & Ashish on 07/19 at 11:41 AM
v r behaving like students that’s what our daughters r telling us
Posted by deepak on 07/19 at 11:43 AM
Loads of intelligent hard work to keep it all fair. Am impressed and excited. Best wishes to everyone. Girish & Purvi
Posted by Girish Dariyav Karnawat on 07/19 at 12:01 PM
thats true,our profile is after all the only medium between u n us..
Posted by ashish n shraddha on 07/19 at 12:07 PM
This brings back those feeling of butterflies in the stomach. Last days of schooling, then college , waiting for the results and waiting for the selected list to come out, who get a chance at the Engg, or who is elligible for the masters program in business administration…... The feeling of success and failure haunts you at the same time…... Cheers
Posted by Sachin & Sonia Shama on 07/19 at 12:09 PM
Hey all u fellow contestents….take a breather & relax….we all are anxious about the result 2morw…but lets not base our passion on this result…there is life beyond Cedia challenge….MITSUBISHI TGDC has given this lovely opportunity to people who share common interest, to come under one roof and show their talent. TGDC brought us all together and ‘PHOTRAGGERS’ - Journey Beyond Cedia, is an effort to take it a step furthur…..
Posted by Amit & Jasleen on 07/19 at 12:13 PM
way to go….feels like a huge burden has been taken off my aching shoulders….was a bit apprehensive about the selection procedure at first , but these daily blogs by you guys have cleared the clouds shrouding my thoughts…
Posted by Charanpreet Bidhuri on 07/19 at 12:29 PM
All of us know that everyone is not going to be selected. Being selected in the first lot of 100 shortlisted candidates will also be a great achievement for many of us. I would like to suggest the TGDC team to atleast give the selected 100 a chance to drive the Mitsubishi Cedia….if not 3000 kms atleast 30 kms….and the Carmakers should seriously think of launching a Cedia Sports Car Club and allowing shortlisted candidates to buy the car at a discounted prize.
Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)
on 07/19 at 12:39 PM
I am going through all the blogs and i am amazed at the effort you are putting in not to mention the techniques used!! I am thoroughly impressed would be an understatement!! I am glad i took part in the contest!! and yes, the wait is unbearable!! i dont think i have had this kind of jitters even in school or on stage at any time!! everytime i sign off saying ‘keep it up’, u guys seem to be doing that and more so… Leena and Sai
Posted by Leena and Sai on 07/19 at 12:57 PM
Seems like votes are being completely marginalized - 1 out of 9 factors only…
Posted by sarin suares on 07/19 at 12:57 PM
While The Results are awaited eagerly ! let me share What TGDC has taught me ! I thank TGDC for giving this wonderful opportunity and a purposeful exposure online ! learnt many things here which would definitely help me in various aspects of my life…. TGDC gave us a lively platform to mingle, interact, acquire and propagate genuine and relevant information and Amit & Jasleen say - Journey Beyond Cedia, is an effort to take it a step further….. lets get focused !
Posted by Dr KS Anand on 07/19 at 01:01 PM
Hey TGDC…!!! you really don’t know our excitement, it’s getting raised every minute… and now, I am more eager, I just want the jury to read “Our travel plan” and “Our blog”, will fetch us lot of points. Even though we are less on our vote, I am happy that we’ll do good on the parameter of “Power to Pitch”. and Amit, I am sorry, but to some extend I do not agree to you, I agree that Team TGDC has brought all of us together, but a trip like this, where we get to do nothing but travel places, drive a car like Mitsubishi Cedia Sports, click pictures and write our experience for those who will read it with lot of interest and passion. This is a chance which doesn’t come easy. I am sure, there are lot of couples like us for whom, a trip like this can just be a dream so, we just cannot get over this. That’s the reaso so many people and anxious for the result. And once again, I would say, bringing those with same passion of travelling, photography and blogging, together under one roof, is a great feat achieved by TGDC. Congratulations Team TGDC!!! I told you Amit, I agree with you to some extent and that’s the reason, there are lot of couples I would like to be in toch with even after this contest… You, Rishi, Joseph and Tirthankar to name a few. I hope I get this priviledge. Thanks and Regardz,
Posted by Vinny K Williams on 07/19 at 02:35 PM
we are the best. . . . Life is a game that has to be won with passion.
Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)
on 07/19 at 03:16 PM
We are sure the jury would do justice to all profiles who have contested for the challenge. When it comes to “friend power”, “tricks” or “number games”, we may not have beaten many, but we still cherish the friends we have as we can recall each and every one who has voted for us. It was a heart felt pleasure and honor for us to see our friends coming in and taking time from their busy schedules to vote for us or write a testimonial. We are definitely getting warmer friendships and more smiles among the friends. Good luck to all the deserving candidates (including us :o)
Posted by Ram & Rakhi on 07/19 at 05:57 PM
Whoa. I’ve been away from the GDC pages for a whole day and look at all the updates. The good news: I was away at my first roadtrip in my Blackhawk. First day, 161kms. Hill climb. Fast curves. Superfast straights. Scary night driving. Done. What a day! The bad news: I think I’m finding it really hard to get away from my Obsessive Compulsive Disorder of the last 3 weeks - logon to GDC, go to Featured Couples, read every line in there, go to Twitter and tweet away, logon to FB and change status msg, logon to gtalk and change status msg, go to blog and wonder about what to write….and finally get a call from my boss telling me which report to deliver next. Now all that remains is that boss’ call. Damn. Will miss campaigning for GDC like crazy but not championing for the Cedia Sports. My travelogues (or simply blogs) with the Cedia Sports a.k.a Blackhawk will be alive from today! Cheers!
Posted by Joseph Radhik on 07/19 at 11:52 PM
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