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Before I run away…

Posted By joseph

I have 3 massive presentations to present today. Why 3 on one day? ‘Cuz I’ve been hiding from work all this while.

Hiding, like this fellow here.

These presentations will be big meetings with lots of people in them.

Not very different from this big meeting here.

Of course, all this will be punctuated by a few short breaks to hang around with colleagues/friends and do much of nothing.

A bit like these guys, but just without all the grass and greenery.

And with that, it’s time to run off to work!

Off I go!

(That’s me in the back, always catching up!)

Have a great day!

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About us

Namrata and Joseph, Bombay-ite and Hyderabadi, implore all you interesting, smart, cute and sexy people reading this to please, pleeez follow us !

Fresh out of college, we were thrown into the dust bowls of U.P and the jungles of M.P. Sneaky trainees that we were, we took full advantage of the available resources to explore. Whether the pine trees of Almora or the ruins of Khajuraho, a Bhojpuri film shoot or some gun-laden, mustachioed dudes in the Chambal areas of Bhind - our travels always had added flavor!


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