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06:03 PM
25 July 2009
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Jama Masjid in the background

Posted By Vamsi & Charu

Good to see this blog up and running. This is the image in the background - dusk on a rainy day at Jama Masjid in Delhi.


Jama Masjid is one of my favourite places for photography in India - there is something soothing about the atmosphere inside, a sense that we rarely associate with places of worship. Apart from that, this seemed like the ideal background image for this blog since our route is based on the heritage theme - Mumbai - Rajasthan - a bit of UP - MP - Mumbai - covering forts and palaces and temples on the way.

More photographs from Jama Masjid here - do have a look!

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30 July 2009

Dear Charu & Vamsi,

I love this picture & i think your’s is a well shaped blog.
Great going.
looking forward to meet you.

Amit & Jace

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