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Travel Photography

Posted By gaurav

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26 July 2009

Way to go Gaurav! Your heart shows in these photographs.
You are in for a good cause. You will win!

Mitsubishi Cedia will get a chance to go good to people’s life. More significantly, children’s lives.

(A lighter note)
As always TGDC CAPTCHA (image text) has amused me. For this post it says “society77”. It has always worked as sixth sense since I joined TGDC challenge.

Good luck.

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27 July 2009

lovely images, Gaurav - I particularly like the one of the people framed against the doorway - where can I see these in large size?
and I agree - the best way to “see” a place is through its people… they tell the best stories about places and culture, sometime wihout even opening their mouths!

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