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Posted By Jace
A travel can be relished most if you are open to experiment, just like food, you’ll never really develop a taste until you try. I pass no judgments against the tailor made trips, but I certainly am a sucker for following the heart. Roads have a beautiful way of pulling you towards them, like for places, if you let your conscience listen, there is a calling.
The first step to enjoy your travel is to listen to the call, let the heart lead.
If for some reason you find this absurd as you feel no signals coming from any place, I’d say travel by a book. Books are not only your good friends while traveling; they also work as the conflict solvers. Confused about two places, read about the two & go for it. Something like the Lonely Planet is recommended. The whole series is amazingly helpful in strange lands.
There’s a joke about people & books they say anyone who reads & happens to come to India, has ‘Lonely Planet’ (India), in one hand and ‘Autobiography of a Yogi’ in the other , though now there are plenty of options for the latter, The Shantaram, The Holy cow & many more…
While I do recommend the Lonely Planet in one, for you to read about places you may want to see. I also suggest chase your gut, converse with people or take any road, just make sure the other hand holds ‘Eicher India Road Maps’. I can swear by them for detail, especially when you don’t have the access to Google. Google maps are awesome, but the real places to explore are seldom found on maps.
Incase you are still looking for options I’d say travel in a car like Cedia sports. It has the GPS system so u can shun the map & you can take almost any road that you will, only try getting a little more than your share of local food & music to complete your feel of being there. Hope you have a fab trip.

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