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Where is Roohshad???

Posted By zinaida

Rooooohhhhhhhsssssssssshhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaddddddd!! Yooooooooohhhhhhhhooooooooooo….. Where are you?? Come out, come out….wherever you are!!

The photographer has vanished. From the blog, I mean. And where has he been??


In the midst of pretty women, more pretty women….and lots more pretty women. Busy clicking away at the Bangalore Fashion week!!
Oh…....and then he also got thrown into the pool!! (Thank god someone had the sense to grab his camera….......i can’t even imagine otherwise. *shudders*)

And soon after….......... he was kidnapped, and taken to a remote location, for another shoot!!! He tried 911. But forgot this was India!

This dedicated wild-child managed to squeezed in time to “tweet” though! He better have. My dozens of threatening messages took care of that. Muhahahhahhahaha

I’d love to give you more details….but knowing Mr. Popular-Brilliant-Photographer, he’d want to tell you all about it himself.

He’s expected back in civilization in a couple of hours.


Are you ready to deal with some drama??



Posted by


29 July 2009

We envy Roohshad for the work he does, How we wish we could get a job like his, We mean the photography part !

Posted by

Dilip D'Souza

29 July 2009

Maybe I’m just grumbling more than I should ... but you guys claimed you were the “whackiest” team of the 12. Does a post starting with “
Rooooohhhhhhhsssssssssshhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaddddddd!!” qualify as “whacky” then?

Tell the world something about travel and what it does for you, won’t you? Isn’t that what this is about?

Posted by

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29 July 2009

looking forward to seeing you guys in the top 3
all the best

Posted by

Roohshad Garda

29 July 2009

Hahaha Dilip, forgive us for having a life matie! You’ll also have to forgive my shotgun lifestyle, i love doing everything at the same time.
Alas unlike alot of people, i dont have the luxury of having time to sit and narrate PAST travel experiences just yet, lot of work to finish up before mumbai, i have, however, set aside alot of time to do this driving trip and tell you ALLLL about that.
I will however, enlighten you as to why the rest of the world did actually believe us when we said we are the FREAKIN WHACKIEST (i thought the fact that OUR facebook group has more members that the GDC group was proof enought, but i wont go off on that tangent, lest i come off sounding cocky). You’ll get to read my blog post very soon, will even CC you the copy, cause its such a pleasure to see someone finally complaining :D (im so not used to only getting compliments :D)
Peace out.
PS: in a taxi, enroute home, will sleep an hour and then krackle the knuckles.

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