We are the best candidates because..

As a couple, we share a yin and yang relationship of opposite extremes of the fun spectrum. One is extremely cautious and the other is cautiously extreme. Driven by the passion for driving, we find solace in the quiet of the car’s cabin with traffic rushing by. Forever ready to roll out for a drive. How we wish our car attains immortality. The feeling evolves from the deep relationship that gets formed over the months and years and kilometers between the driver and the driven. We still remember the mint-fresh 4 wheels that enticed us from the first look two years back. We rolled it out of the showroom and went straight up the nearest motorable hills that drew us with their seductive greenery. Since then, not a day passes by without the wheels rolling out of the parking and now, something that feels like a passion has enveloped the two of us which we call driving. This alchemical transformation has happened in the cocooned environment of our 4 wheels. Please check our travel and photography blog (www.rohytkumar.blogspot.com ).