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03:53 AM
26 July 2009
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Posted By Amit Singh
A journey can't end well if you don't care for road safety. These are a few sane words by some insane brains for all the drivers ....no matter what you drive keep them in mind.

P.S. - please ignore if you only believe in driving crazy.

Posted by

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26 July 2009

These border road organisation sign board had kept us in splits in Leh as well as in Sikkim!! had taken lots of snaps but lost them when out harddrive crashed!!
great reading a few of them here!!
Thanks for bringing those memories back!!

Posted by

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26 July 2009

Great meaningful collection of real Sign Boards !!
and Dear DevDas your love affair with Cedia is matchless !!...who won’t get envious ?!!

All the best Amit and Jasleen !!

I wish if i could follow multiple couples who i like !!.....My wishes are with you even if i don’t follow you ....... but i will be chasing you too ! ......but with this Caution !!.....
You would be in Top 3 !! My Intuition says !!!

Enjoy your sunday !


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26 July 2009

Hey amit and jace..drive up..ur dreams to the fullest…wid utmost care…u all make a tough team..journey is long..roads r unknown..but we stand by here..to travel wid u guys up der…and giving u all the zest u require…we r for u all..and that challenge..iz a dream..we see through ur eyes..to define rebel spirit taking over..dose muddling obstacles..Live on..tc..All the very best

Posted by


26 July 2009

@ Leena- i agree with u leena… believe me this is a work of some creative genious…‘wat an idea’ to make long stretches of roads interstng…and give sme food for thought in places where life ceases to exist…

@ Dr. Anand- trust me ur mesg is really a booster…. doesn’t matter if u r not following us…it’s ur faith in us dat’s encouraging…. necase we never wantd followers…we want companions & u surely are one….and i like the title ‘Dev Das’ u gave me (jace is gettng green eyed…hehee)... i’ll pray to God that ur intution works = ) ....thanx 4 dropping by

@Manu- thanx for those lovely words…like the way u’ve put ur feelings so poetically   = )

Posted by


26 July 2009

Hey…awesome collection…of signboards….......
love this one specially…..If u love her plzz divorce speed….gud one….

hume be sath leh chalo…;))

I believe nothing is difficult for you guys.You can create anything you want and you provide the mold of what u want.
create the mold with your mind…....and i’m sure ur going to be on the top..

Posted by


27 July 2009

I guess this collection must be your trip to Leh. Nice one!.

Keep it up guys. I have a hunch you are going to make it to the top 3. Lage raho!

And i’m following you guys. Got to pick the best horses to win the race .

Posted by


27 July 2009

for once some interstin road side gyaan…refreshing change from DRIVE SLOW SOMEONE IS WAITING FOR YOU AT HOME…might i add a little thai one that i came across on my travels…

Posted by


27 July 2009

what a refrshinly fresh take on safety…wish i had dese back home…some are real gems…

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27 July 2009

LOLZZZZZZZZZZZZ….........i remeber these sign boards so very well…...........they were hilarious…................n do u remeber the names of the bridges….........BRANDY BRIDGE…...........WHISKY BRIDGE…........TWING TWING BRIDGE…............................ feeling nostalgic now…....smile...........the best trip of my life till now…............i knw u both r gonna win this one….....no doubts abt it…............n i hope to see a lot more interesting pix like these soon….........gud luck…...........smile

Posted by

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28 July 2009

lol…  yeah!! who can forget ‘dont be a gama, in the land of lama’.. does bring back the memories…

Kudos to the 2 of u… safety is really important.. thats why i said.. u two r the ‘ideal participants’ ... go .. go.. go…

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