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The day has arrived!

Posted By Jace
I was trying to fall asleep last night, but the sleep seems to have gone out of the window (for over three weeks, I guess) One thing that kept jogging through my mind was............ we'd be there tomorrow!
And here we've reached 'tomorrow'.... it is today. A morning where almost nothing is done, be it the packing or wrapping up the household or even having thought of what has to be carried. There sits a fat feeling, which fills me up, not an outstanding thought to anyone but me. The past one week has been frenzied for the two dozen people that we are. As I sit up here, almost sure someone else is also thinking of GDC if not typing their mind away. We are the people going through the same pressure, the same dream and the same process, yes, I did say process. We all are going through the same chemical reactions everyday, of thoughts rattling at one moment and going numb the other.
We have built a connect, a strange thread that is tying us all in a bond & a weird telepathic connection. We are learning to interact in our own quiet way; we end up thinking more than often the same things.
We are all looking forward to meet each other. On the occasion of friendship day, we shall meet, the twenty four people, 12 couples, all with one common dream.“Competition” they mentioned we'd be meeting, and I think of them as friends, isn't that what we have all become with the delicate strings GDC has tied us in. I begin to wonder how often these situations have I faced in life, competing with people I like. Are the other people also going through similar emotions? Well, well, well..... its just s few more hours. We shall meet & find out.
Looking forward to meet all the twenty two and the team, what an eventful day I say.

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About us

Amit Singh ( read: the tranquility of the Himalayas) Jasleen Chopra (read: the effervescence of the Ganges) In the little journey of knowing us better that we are about to take you through, we hope to give you a reason to hook on to us.

This Dehradun guy has a keen interest in photography & observations he always seems to have a new muse. Travel albeit has remained a constant. Jasleen, a chatterbox, is happy with whatever comes her way.


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