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Free Love + Peace + Flower Power

Posted By Jace
Free Love + Peace + Flower Power.
Hippies have contributed to the world much more than this.
Tremendously well known for sex, drugs & rock n roll and the bands that followed them; and much less known for their wonderful gifts to the world. The most beautiful culture gifted by these flower children to the world is freedom of thought, freedom of expression & travel. Hippies have promoted travel right from the San Francisco's "Summer of Love" "Nambassa" to the more popularly known "Woodstock".

People each year have traveled across the world to be a part of these music movements. Hippie is not a cult, or a way of life, it is a state of consciousness. Here's the recipe of being the new age hippie:
* Be a non conformist - believe & support what you feel is right. Not what others have made up their mind to.
* Promote peace - Sure we all want it. None of us wants a war. Lets get more peaceful in our daily lives, give anger one BIG break.
* Freedom of expression - Don't let emotions, feelings or thoughts bottle up inside you. Give expression to them all. So what if its only through your blog, your speech, your art.
* Seek yourself - exploring yourself is wonderful if you only give a little time to yourself. Find out your hidden talents, what you like & what you enjoy the most.....then go about doing it.
* Dream Big- if hippies could dream of Global peace, you can dream of anything and it'll be more achievable.
* Conserve : do not waste or litter.
* Flower Power :add color & freshness to your life.
* Hippie Bus :Creatively paint your vehicle....whatever it is, even a toy will do.
* TRAVEL: the hippies traveled all across, though the most commonly known is the hippie trail.
The hippie trail began from Europe to Asia, covering India, in the common places like Benares, Manali, Goa, Pushkar, Dharamshala & Auroville and going towards Nepal & even further to Japan. This was usually by the cheapest means possible. You might not necessarily want to do so.........i do remember your turning to a non-conformist......but the travel is assured. You may travel to all these places or make your own new trail.
* Free Love - love is the most beautiful feeling. Love freely & open heartedly. Love everyone around.

Love n peace,

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