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Morning action with Mr. Owlet and his visitors!

Posted By thomas

After checking out the equipment over the weekend; today I was up early morning, panning the landscape from our balcony to see if I could get an interesting picture. As I was looking around, through my viewfinder I caught sight of Mr. Owlet, our neighbourhood ‘Spotted Owlet’, who is normally seen sitting on one of the trees around our house. Today he was sitting quietly , on a tree about 100 feet away, trying to take a morning snooze. But unfortunately a snooze was not written out for him. As I focused on this small owl, I saw a squirrel, up and bright, scurrying around near Mr. Owlet probably seeking his morning breakfast.

On seeing the squirrel, Mr. Owlet is a little startled and not too happy by this unannounced visit!

But it was not just the squirrel that was paying Mr. Owlet a visit. He had yet another visitor. My camera happily clicked away and I got lucky with some shots, which I find quite amusing.

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29 July 2009

The startled look on Mr. Owlet’s face is amazing.

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29 July 2009

Hey Thomas…. just wanted to say, we LOVE your photography too, especially this post. SIMPLY BRILLIANT!

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