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02:00 PM
31 July 2009
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Snacks and the city

Posted By Vamsi & Charu
There was some news a couple of years ago about street snack stalls in Delhi facing the chop but nothing came of it finally. So now there are the samosas and kachoris, the moong and mirchi pakoras, the fried papad (especially in winter), the fruit and alu chaat.

Spicy snacks


Man and meat - Mohammad Ali Road

Getting roasted

Chutney in a previous life

Chutney in a previous life

Then to wash down, not away sadly, the sins of street food…

The lassi lad

Nimbu paani

And then to end, the mithai...

Milk + sugar = sin


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31 July 2009

Ummm…yummy. What is the food in the last picture?

Posted by

Joseph Radhik

31 July 2009

Love the shots and the mood in each of them. Beautiful photography. smile

All these places remind me of Chandi Chowk and Old city in Hyderabad!


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Dilip D'Souza

31 July 2009

Confucius say, man and his meat never the mark twain be parted till death do us part ... something like that.

But WHO is the friend who recommended kachora to you, inquiring bellies wanna know.

31 July 2009

Great pictures. I too am a foodie. I love going to Delhi-6 whenever I can.

Look forward to meeting you and Vamsi in Mumbai.

-Rishi and Poonam

PS: I know great places for Vada Paw and Pav Bhaji in Mumbai smile , just in case we get some time, we all participants can plan a quick visit.

Posted by


01 August 2009

@vamsee, thanks! that last one is malpua at Mhd Ali Road

@joseph,  thank you - btw, a few of these *are* from Chandni Chowk smile

@dilip, when in doubt, blame it on confusionus? ah, that kachora friend - you wouldn’t know him…

@poonam / rishi - we look fwd to meeting you all too - and a quick break for pav bhaji - any time!

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