Posted By Amit Singh
Late one night we happened to check our facebook inbox & nestled there a message from a friend, Charu. We were pleasantly surprised as we haven't met her till date or interacted much (though we know her though a common friend). Her faith in us was really motivating, as she knew we are avid bike travelers, but believed that we can pull this off too. Well we do agree with we mentioned in our application-
"travel throws pebbles in the lake of mind, creating ripples of imagination. Some go plobb!! Plop!! SPLASH!!! Some peacefully create reverberations that last much longer-TRAVEL IS OUR DOPE. If spirit & enthusiasm were to count, nonetheless we are the right candidates. We have barely ever said a NO for any travel plan. Be it a bus ride, hitch hike, biking or any other means we've always hopped on. Mitsubishi challenge is an expedient to our desires. We wish to visit places from the splendidly isolated to the crowd jostling ones with equal interest. We are amateurs when it comes to travel, but guess the beginners have that extra luck & passion. The passion which has new found wings flies further than expectations. We are curious people & would go many extra miles to experience anything which is not explored before. Evolving everyday by curiosity and much...much more through our travels"
As for the message, we didn't sleep that night filling up our application; and had many sleepless nights ever since, but we are more than glad for the same.
Then came the real challenge to gather votes and testimonials...'THE CEDIA ELECTIONS' we call it.
The ticket to this journey was through votes. And boy it wasn't easy! At first the votes just poured in, we knew it was a cake-walk. Then they trickled & we knew how easy it was!!.... we had to do something: Win people back : Get noticed : and preceding all get VOTES. We swear by the diversity around. Each one was special, and needed a distinct lure - for some it was skin, humor for the others, facts pulled some......and some need pleading & so many were bullied. The testimonials though came in as an act of generosity. It was quite a lot of hard work, here's a glimpse of the same.
Also, we created a Campaign Site;