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Through the Heart

Posted By elena

Dear Friends!

Follow us on our journey that will literally cut through the Heart of India, as we plan to drive from Maharashtra to Punjab and back. We will introduce to you places of magic and people with hearts of gold and ingenuity. People who live on the edge of the ordinary and people who live from the heart.

Join our journey and see the beautiful world outside your office that you are missing every day. Escape your work and travel with us! Discover the magic nestled in bustling cities. Amble with us through the poppy fields of Madhya Pradesh. Meet a Gypsy Princess who rules over India. And take a seat next to
us on a charpoy at a road-side dhaba as we sip chai and listen to stories of truck drivers.

Meet people who care about the world around them. Who with their kind hearts help people, and sometimes even save forests single handedly.
And ultimately, help us raise the funds that would allow us to continue doing good work, reaching out to children and making them smile.
Come along with us as we discover the magic hidden in the corners of our beautiful country.

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