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Ecstasy of .st !!

Posted By Amit Singh
This blog is dedicated to the people with not-so-good memory, like me. We believe in the power of the suffix ‘st’ or rather I should say that our brain reads/remembers only the files with an extension ‘.st’
Well I don’t remember my friend’s birth dates and at times it gets tough to even recall their names. I DO NOT REMEMBER.….i'm not guilty but my brain is not programmed in that way. Forgive me guys, my ‘no calls’ on right days to you is not my fault.

Some memories are etched forever just because of this extension,like.....my first date…..my longest kiss…..my first school…..my cleverest friend…..my wickedest teacher…...my lamest excuse…..the croakiest singer…..my prettiest neighbor …..my highest marks in a subject ever.….my last day at school/college …..my highest cricket and goal score…..my first interview …..my latest trip to Goa…..my detest for the dentist…..my dumbest moment…..

So how do I remember things that doesn’t have that extension?? It’s easy....to remember our wedding anniversary, I have to add '.st' extension to it. I think of the 'best' day of my life....and voila!! 21st oct. flashes like a watch-tower light in my brain. Or to remember any moment cherished with my parents, all I have to think is about the 'best' parents in this world....and the unending clips of those lovely moments just play like a flash presentation in front of my eyes....see, I said it’s easy

Well you might be thinking how is this blog related to travel…..well it surely is.…do u remember your first car/bike…..your fastest / swiftest drive.….your first Mumbai local ride…..your costliest stay…..the yummiest food at a road-side dhaba …...the wildest terrain you’ve been to..…your craziest stunt…..the absurdist map ….your highest speed…..your longest ride/drive…..
Yes I do remember all these ‘estees’ and many more;

I do remember my 'longest' ride (5000+ kms)

I do remember my ride to the 'highest' motorable road in the world (Khardung La)

.....and to the 2nd 'highest' motorable pass (view from Taglang La)

.....crossing the 2nd 'coldest' inhabited place in the world (Drass)

.....my 'crazieset' ride ever (Losar to Koksar)

.....and the 'scariest' one (Nubra - Khardung La - Leh)

I do remember the 'highest' petrol retail outlet in the world (Kaza)

.....and being at the 'last' point of a border, till where civilians are allowed (Nagasti Post, Chitkul)

.....my 'first' stay in a tent dormitory (Pang)

.....the 'highest' village in the world with motorable road & electricity (Kibber)

.....the 'first' sight of Bactrian camels (Hunder, Nubra Valley)

.....and the 'weirdest' end to a spiralled mountain road (More Plains - around 40 kms of flat land)

Well a not-so-good memory is not-so-bad if it gives a different perspective to look at things around, and life in general.

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About us

Amit Singh ( read: the tranquility of the Himalayas) Jasleen Chopra (read: the effervescence of the Ganges) In the little journey of knowing us better that we are about to take you through, we hope to give you a reason to hook on to us.

This Dehradun guy has a keen interest in photography & observations he always seems to have a new muse. Travel albeit has remained a constant. Jasleen, a chatterbox, is happy with whatever comes her way.


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