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[kaleido-INDIA] TIMES : ISSUE 5 (Sayonara till the auditions!!)

Posted By Amit Singh



Part 5 *Bholu gets his Cedia*

There is a feeling of exuberance as I share this note with you today; remember Bholu & Chatur, how they aspire to have what most of us ( the big city guys) dream of. Well they surely studied us keenly and realised how our lives revolve around Cedia right now; not only us but of all of our friends n folks too. Guess what....Bholu and Chatur have bought their very own Cedia!!! ...... the urban dream car (am little sad too as they sold a part of their land for an industrial area coming up around their village). They have gone back....happy, satisfied & elated.
We had planned to take them along with us on the drive, if we get through the grilling auditions ; and now when these guys have a Cedia..... we already have an offer from them (but i guess we won't fit into their car.... so we'd rather wait for ours)
We surely wouldn't get to see them through the auditions, but hope even our dream comes true. Amen! We'll share their perspective of modern developed India along with ours of unadulterated India.....till then.....Sayonara


Pin Valley - 'eXODUS to the dESOLATE Lands'

'a wALK with the sHADOWS' - an early morning walk with the goats in Teling

‘the land of Ibex and snow leapords’….that’s what Pin Valley is known as. Though we had to make-do only with red fox and mountain goats….nonetheless their sight was equally fascinating (see the video).
Meandering its way off the Tabo-Kaza highway, crossing over river spiti, the dusty road rolled into a new world- an exodus from already afar lands to the desolate ones. Saw edged mountains covered with fresh snow, stood tall, seemingly threatening for the tiny white-washed villages of Pin valley.

.....a wind eroded mountain line near Lidang

bridge near Sagnam Village - Pin Valley

The dream run to our destination, Mud village, was halted abruptly by road block, due to landslides after heavy snowfall for 3 continuous days….’yeah that crazy after-snowfall ride from kibber to kaza still glistens like fresh snow in my mind’. We took a detour from Sagnam village to Teling, a small village with just a few lucky (if I may say so!!) families. Surrounded by chain-sawed mountains from one side, big boulder like hills on the other and a river slithering silently along, Teling is like a meditation haven….and no need to close your eyes for this one. Though it doesn’t need a mention but yeah there was no guest house or any commercial place to stay….but the wanderers do manage a night stay with local families for a small sum….like we did. This was another experience added to the list of night halts in tent, tent dormitory, monastry, army cants and dingy guest houses ( even the PWD ones).

Teling Village shadowed by a saw-edged mountain

Few steps in a narrow alley of a mud and stone house led us to a small room packed with 3 beds and an old wooden coffee table. A wooden pillar in the center appeared to be holding up the roof…washed out paint…a small boat painting and and an old calendar with a vintage photograph pasted on it…added up for a complete new wonderous experience…craziest was the loo with just a hole dug in the centre, in front of a haystack…and a rope hanging from the roof (god knows for what)…everything was so alien (it was our introduction to the cess pool) ….so we all resorted to a leak in the nearby fields. That night was bone-chilling cold and sky completely star studded….glitzier than the covers of ‘STARDUST’….and density more than the population of Mumbai.

....the room we stayed in

.....and view from it's window

Jace sewing up my torn denim

An early morning walk with the family out to graze a herd of goats n sheep was purifying… .a nice custom where-in everyday a family takes the complete herd of the entire village out for grazing.

'fAMILY of the dAY'



'sMILES and mORE'

Why so sERIOUS !!


....the family we stayed with

Hop on to our side car and feel the journey from Kaza to Teling (pin valley).....an exodus to the desolate lands.

FEATURED FOLLOWER (read: companion)

Name: Manoj
Check out some gr8 pics by Manoj at;

Posted by

Joseph Radhik

31 July 2009

Confession: I’ve loved every single edition of this mini-mag so far. smile

The most structured and well-bodied presentations so far.

Damn good. All the best!

Posted by

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31 July 2009

Hey guys, I just joined today after reading this blog and i think its amazing…......
great work I see the winning streak,
beutiful pictures supported by a strong write-up.
looking forward to see more great places through your blogs.
wish u luck

Posted by

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31 July 2009

Hey guys!!! All the best for the auditions!! Have fun!!

Posted by


31 July 2009

Like joseph said, i am loving kaleido-india times!!
you guys should keep posting the ‘times’ even after TDGC!! its really good!!

31 July 2009

Bholu and Chatur have been fabulous. We look forward to next edition of Kaleido. and of course we keenly look forward to meeting you and Amit.

-Rishi & Poonam

Posted by

Aadil Bandukwala

01 August 2009

Love this post! You have a wonderful sense of articulation Amit!

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