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Plans to Go to the Amber Lounge

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Since both me and my partner are both crazy about motor racing, it seemed right that for our honeymoon, we should go to the grand prix. Once we had decided on Monaco, my partner had the idea that we book a night at the amber lounge. This is a venue where you can eat, dance, watch fashions shows and all in the company of celebrities.

For months after we booked it, we looked forward to meeting famous people in such elegant style as the amber lounge. Finally the moment came where we were on our way to Monaco for the Grand Prix. The races were brilliant and thinking that there were better things to come was so exciting. We had lunch at a nice restaurant but tried not to fill up too much on account of our meal in the amber lounge later on, which was bound to be fantastic.

Hustler Products: the Natural Charm of Women

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Since time immemorial, women have been used as product advertisers. This is due to the fact that women have the natural ability to capture a man’s attention. For businessmen whose target market are mostly men, they opt to use women to promote their products. This is to ensure that they will have sales. With the use of the natural charm of women, who wouldn’t buy their products?

Women are currently making headlines in almost every sport that men previously dominated. Motocross is one of them. This may be true; however, it still does not change the fact that men outnumber women in the sport. This is why Hustler products are ever so famous for motocross riders and fans as well. More than the use of women in their designs, the company also prides itself with high-quality products. The products they offer are varied. The company produces clothes, accessories, and even bikinis.